Legal and Affiliate Website Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer & Affiliate Disclaimer for the Mastering Cheesecake Website

First and foremost, I/we do not suggest for one second that people should eat too much cheesecake or drink too much coffee, that’s not a good idea for your health from what I understand.  

Everything in moderation is what I/we are led to believe will help us enjoy a happy, healthy life via a balanced and healthy diet.   Then we just need to drink plenty of water and throw in a bit of exercise on top of that, around 30 minutes a day is a good goal from what I/we have been reading lately.

As far as I/we understand, a healthy diet is all about only consuming the amount of food your body requires to be healthy. This includes consuming healthful foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins in appropriate portion sizes.

Foods that are less healthful, such as those high in saturated fat, salt, and added sugar (like the cheesecakes that will be feature on this site), should probably just be consumed occasionally in small portion sizes.

If you’d like to learn more about healthy eating and diets etc, consult your family doctor or a qualified nutritionist.  If you don’t know a nutritionist, your doctor probably will.

Now, getting away from all the diet related stuff, let’s talk about this website.

Disclaimer: This is an Affiliate Marketing Website.

Mastering Cheesecake is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to

As an Amazon Associate, I have the potential to earn a commission from qualifying purchases you might make as a result from visiting my website and clicking on an affiliate link.

Note: Not every Blog Article on this site contains affiliate marketing links but the ones that do will have a ‘Affiliate Marketing Disclaimer’ featured in the first part of the article to explain to readers that following the disclaimer, there will be images and text links that are affiliate marketing links.

Legal Disclaimer.

This website’s content is very general in nature and is solely intended for leisure, uncomplicated viewing, and educational purposes and will hopefully give you a bit of a laugh from time to time. 

This website’s content is never meant to serve as advice from a professional or as any kind of instruction or direction.   In no way, shape, or form, and at any time in your life, may you use or rely on any of the information found on this website.  

The Static page/s and the Blog page on this website all contain my personal views, opinions, or thoughts on various topics that I like to write about in a very general way.

The Mastering Cheesecake and I/we make no guarantees or representations about the accuracy, completeness, correctness, relevance, timeliness, reliability, suitability, or usefulness of any information contained therein.

Therefore, any reliance you place on any information you find is solely at your own risk.  Any loss or damage, including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from loss of data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of this website, will never be my/our responsibility or the responsibility of the Mastering Cheesecake Website, under any circumstances.

Never take anything I/we write about as strict or prescriptive advice, instruction, guidance, and advice on how to do something, or any form of consultation. 

You would do so at your own risk and I/we and this website are not responsible in any way if you use any information you find on this website for anything other than casual, non-professional, general in nature reading. 

By reading this disclaimer, you agree that any information you find on this website is only meant to be VERY general in nature and should never be construed as advice you should heed or apply in any way, shape, or form at any time throughout your life.

While you are welcome to read all of the information on this website, you hereby acknowledge that there are restrictions on authorised use of this websites content and that it applies to you.

If you are unable to agree with the terms and conditions of this website and this disclaimer then you should leave this website immediately.

Any information, comments, jokes, song lyrics, poems, quotes, queries, or remarks posted or submitted on this website via the comments section become publicly available to other website users once approved and if I should elect to approve them.

As a result, you understand that you should not post any personally identifiable or sensitive information. Furthermore, all comments posted on the site become the property of this website and I/we reserve the right to edit, reproduce, and post your questions or comments on my site if I/we so desire.

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You hereby acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you take as a result of reading information on this website, especially in light of the fact that I have now made it clear time and time again that no one should take any action or use any information from this website in their lives in any way, shape, or form.

Thank you for reading this through and agreeing to it.

Have a nice day.

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